Our business reality today is full of distractions, competing demands, technological advances, regulations, political shifts and excuses. Too often, new ideas for growth are shut down prematurely because it’s easy to believe that ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.’ In our years of experience leading organizations to embrace change, we know that mindset matters and that you can shift the mindset of individuals and organizations to better support innovation and growth. We also know (because we are major geeks) that our experience in business is backed by hard core brain science (Google “neuroplasticity” today, and geek out with us!).
At Collaborative Consulting, we know that the only constant in our business environment is change. And your mindset as a leader is really the only thing you can control. We’ve developed a Mindset program to assist leaders in creating a culture that encourages innovation and thrives in our ever-changing business climate. The program incorporates leading-edge ideas, innovation road-mapping, and problem-solving techniques to jump start your company on the path toward growth.

You will walk away with a growth mindset embedded across your organization – all leaders will be aligned to generate transformational levels of growth!
• Mindset platform built to get everyone on your team rowing in the same direction
• Identify Growth & Fixed Mindsets in your culture and functions
• Empower Executive Team with decision-making mindset & communication tools
• Enabling Functional Leaders with roadmaps to shift fixed mindsets and deliver on their pieces of the overall company strategy
• Improve Collaboration, Innovation & Delegation by helping leaders improve their capabilities
• Help Executing your Vision & Mission by clearly linking your vision to your strategy and empowering leaders to inspire their teams in growth
• Operationalize Mindset through performance management, hiring, on-boarding and acquisition integration
• Energizing Experience that is completed in 6 months
“It’s No Longer About Surviving, It’s About Thriving”
A Mindset Shift that Resulted in 70% Growth in Sales and 150% Growth in Profit
The problem:
The CEO and CFO of a successful sixty-year-old business believed they were hitting the ceiling when it came to growth. These leaders built a good company and they were making money, but most of their time was dedicated to staying on track with growth goals and managing day-to-day fire drills. There was no time to innovate or consider transformational ideas to achieve new levels of growth. Even though they had successfully grown the business for over twenty years, they were losing sleep at night because they could foresee changes coming in terms of technology, pace of change, and regulations, and they weren’t sure they would be prepared to lead in this new world.
Our Approach:
- Work with CEO, as well as leaders from other functions (Sales, Marketing, Finance, IT, and HR) to assess the organization’s mindset and readiness for growth. The CEO affectionately calls this part of our program ‘the brutal facts meeting we had with ourselves’
- Develop a vision, values, and legacy plan that will anchor future decisions around growth and innovation
- Build skills to drive innovation, rapid prototyping, and brainstorming for all levels of the organization
- Define and implement the resources, tools, and infrastructure needed to pursue new growth initiatives
- Design an organization-wide mindset roadmap to achieve innovation and growth initiatives
The Result:
The entire organization has experienced a complete mindset shift and a new focus on discovering transformational growth opportunities. The leadership team is achieving consecutive years of historic growth levels, over 150% growth in profits, and 70% growth in sales without any acquisitions. Employee engagement is at an all-time high, new products and offerings are launching, and in our last conversation with the CEO, he said: “it’s no longer about surviving; it’s about thriving.”
Translate your vision into reality
Build relationships that last
Differentiate yourself from the competition
Blaze a trail that everyone will follow
Embrace innovation and growth
Capabilities for Growth
Take your profits to the next level