Your Career?

So you’ve climbed the ladder, checked off the boxes, and yet, something feels off… The path that once seemed clear now feels uncertain. Are you still on the right trajectory, or have you reached a plateau where growth seems elusive? In today’s ever-evolving business world, leaders can’t afford to stagnate. The question isn’t just “where are you?”—it’s “what’s next?”

This Spiraling Up series isn’t just another conversation about career advice—it’s a wake-up call for those who refuse to settle for mediocrity. Whether you’re stuck in a role that no longer challenges you, progressing but feeling unfulfilled, or wandering in a field that drains your energy, this series is designed to help you take control of the reins of your career and fuel your next transformative breakthrough.

Let’s look at where you are now, and where you are headed…

Man in a suit walking on a path along a grassy field.

1. Where Are You in Your Career?

Picture your career trajectory on this dynamic 4-square graph:

Right Career, Little Growth (Top Left): You’re in the right field but feel your progress has slowed or stalled. The work may still interest you, but the pace of growth is frustrating and making your work life start to feel stale.

Right Career, Rapid Growth (Top Right): You’re thriving, making swift progress in a field you’re passionate about and probably have a healthy work environment around you. You feel energized and fulfilled by your work.

Wrong Career, Little Growth (Bottom Left): You’re in a role or industry that doesn’t engage you, and you’re not seeing meaningful growth either. It’s a tough spot, and you may need a significant shift to reignite your career.

Wrong Career, Rapid Progress (Bottom Right): Even though you’re progressing quickly, something is off—the field or the work just doesn’t resonate with your long-term goals. The challenge is deciding if the growth is worth staying, or if a career pivot is needed.

Right Career, Little Growth (Top Left) Right Career, Rapid Growth (Top Right) Wrong Career, Little Growth (Bottom Left) Wrong Career, Rapid Progress (Bottom Right)

Your goal is to assess where you fall on this chart. Are you growing in the right field, or does something need to change? This simple assessment can reveal whether you need to double down on your current role or pivot to align with your values and aspirations.

2. What Type of Environment Do You Want?

Workplace culture plays an enormous role in career satisfaction and growth. Even if you love your job, the wrong environment can stifle your potential. For example, you may work with colleagues you admire but feel there’s limited room for advancement. On the other hand, you might be in a highly rewarding role but find that the cutthroat nature of the workplace is wearing you down, taking a toll on your mental well-being.

An office that seems like a happy & healthy environment.

The right environment is crucial for your growth. A supportive culture fosters creativity, collaboration, and risk-taking. It helps you take bold steps knowing that your team has your back, even if you fail. Conversely, a toxic or overly competitive culture can sap your energy, make you second-guess your decisions, and prevent you from making the impact you desire.

Rate your current work environment on a scale of 1-10. Do you feel valued, supported, and inspired to grow? If not, it might be time to rethink your workplace—even if you’re in the right field. The right culture can help you thrive, while the wrong one can hold you back, regardless of how much progress you’re making on paper.

Workplace Happiness 1-10

In the next article in our Spiraling Up Series, we will help you explore what role you desire next in terms of: 

  • Responsibilities
  • Impact
  • How to Get there 

Our Spiraling Up Program at Collaborative Consulting is about more than climbing the ladder—it’s about aligning your career with your passions, values, and long-term vision. Whether you’re stuck, progressing, or feeling lost, we’ll guide you through the steps to reignite your career, thrive in the right environment, and take the next leap toward the role that excites you. At Collaborative Consulting, we help you break through barriers and achieve your next big goal. Ready to move forward? Contact us today to learn about our Spiraling Up Program and how we help leaders find more impactful and meaningful careers.

Until next time!

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