Why Prioritize Development?
Every winning team has one thing in common: talent.. From the very moment each leader and team member sign their contracts and choose your team, what are you as a leader doing to ensure their [...]
Every winning team has one thing in common: talent.. From the very moment each leader and team member sign their contracts and choose your team, what are you as a leader doing to ensure their [...]
Carrier pigeons, pagers, and even MySpace. New forms of communication pushed out the obsolete in the face of innovation and iPhones. However, did our initial messages get lost along the way? It’s [...]
Ahh the trophy. The shimmering gold has a tantalizing effect on each eye that it catches. Every coach hopes not just to own that trophy, but to earn it. That’s what everyone is looking for… a [...]
Game day. Anticipation looms in the air, locker rooms that reek of a season’s worth of hard work, and a group of individuals ready to tackle the game like a well-oiled machine. Many refer to the [...]
Every basketball game begins with extreme anticipation– two players in an airborne showdown, attempting to get that prized first possession of the ball. For all basketball fans, the season of [...]
Think about it – It is almost impossible to grow resilience without failure! Failure. Even the word itself sounds so daunting. A performance report, your driver’s test, a big presentation… [...]
The perfect idea. It exists somewhere, right? Maybe it’ll come to you on your way to work, or perhaps while cooking dinner on a lazy Sunday night. Good ideas must be spontaneous, right? Every [...]
Robert Burns once said “Best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” No plan can be airtight against the twists and turns that life will throw our way, but we can certainly develop realistic [...]
Innovation in The New Year 23% of New Year’s Resolutions are abandoned within the first week, with 43% abandoned by the end of January. So how can we think bigger than our resolutions? [...]
One of the greatest innovators of our time, Thomas Edison, taught us that mindset and willingness to invest in learning are also critical to innovating. With 1093 U.S. patents, he said: “I have [...]