Architecting Your Vision

What is Your Vision? Antoni Gaudi has a lasting legacy on the vibrant city of Barcelona because of his bold vision and his ability to implement it. He created the initial culture to follow [...]

Elevating Performance

Behind every great leader is their legacy. Whether it be a policy, a famous speech, or their selection of team members, their successor has big shoes to fill… so how does one build a great team [...]

Elevating Growth Mindset

What is Growth Mindset? Mindset is a journey. Everyone may have a different starting point, and it is continuous! It is a commitment to improvement; rewiring your thinking to stray from doubt and [...]

What is Your Super-Power?

What’s your superpower when it comes to leading others? It’s the ability to continuously grow and enhance your leadership skills, setting a clear vision and inspiring goals. As a CEO, [...]


Establish Goals and Transform Key Roles for Growth The following is an actual case study of our work with a leader from a successful organization. The Leader Situation: The President of an [...]